「EyeHolic」的含義為讓人愛上自己的眼睛。我們秉持「輕薄」、「時尚」、「舒適」「超值」的品牌核心理念,摘掉惱人厚重的眼鏡,戴上專屬於您完美獨特的眼鏡,讓您重新愛上自己、「愛現」自己! 由視光科畢業及通過國家考試的專業驗光師為您服 務、有精密的驗光設備、仔細的配鏡流程,還有符合 國家規格的驗光所,讓您配眼鏡更安心! Eyeholic提供國內外流行的商品、合理且透明的價 格,期待為各位朋友們帶來優質的服務及舒適的配鏡 享受! Eyeholic Optometry Center is dedicated to providing you with the highest standards of professional eye care. We select the quality products and to offer you a wide choice of eyewear with fashionable frames with affordable prices. Our professional certified optometrists provide primary care for all ages, including comprehensive eye exams, prescription eyeglasses and contact lens. Our mission is to provide you valued and satisfied experiences. Make reservations now! Come and visit Eyeholic!
- 彈性排班