Sötinn ::::::::: Sötinn滴所,致力於打造一個不僅僅是咖啡館和酒吧的空間。將這座建於雲林虎尾的50年代老宅改建成一家結合「酒」與「咖」的新型藝文空間。Sötinn 滴所從「甜」一詞中汲取靈感,取自瑞典文Söt (甜) 與台語甜 (滴tinn) 的意象,不僅是此空間位於虎尾糖廠周圍,充滿糖都的文化氛圍,更希望通過這個空間,讓顧客無論是在早晨享用一杯咖啡,還是在晚上喝上一杯美酒,都能感受到這份美好「甜意」氛圍。 Sötinn strives to be more than just another café and bar. We transformed this 1950s vintage house in Huwei, Yunlin into a new art space that combines “cocktail” and “coffee.” Drawing inspiration from the word “sweet,” Sötinn blends the Swedish word “Söt” (sweet) with the Taiwanese word 甜 (tinn), reflecting its location near the Huwei sugar factory and the rich cultural atmosphere of the sugar capital. We aim to create an atmosphere that exudes sweetness, whether patrons are enjoying a cup of coffee during the day or sipping on a glass of cocktails in the evening. #cocktail #bar #cafe #coffee #experiences #taiwan #yunlin #newopening
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